School Lunches
Hot lunches
Our hot school meals are provided by Fresh Start Catering who are passionate about the food that they offer and provide freshly prepared, healthy, nutritious meals each day, using fresh produce from local suppliers.
We encourage all our children to have school lunches and to try new meals, but you don’t have to have school lunches every day – you can have them on some days and a packed lunch on others – you choose.
School Meals cost £2.40 per pupil per day.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive school lunches for free under the Universal Free School Meals initiative as well as being provided with fruit at break times.
Children who qualify for Pupil Premium also receive free school meals. If you are receiving benefits then your child may qualify for Free School Meals as part of your child's Pupil Premium entitlement. Information about how to claim this is available from the school office
Booking School Meals
All school meals need to be booked in advance (even if you are in receipt of universal or free school meals) using Fresh Start's Meal Manager. This is to ensure your child receives a meal they expect and is suitable to their dietary needs.
Meals can be ordered and paid for on a weekly basis or for multiple weeks at a time but must be booked a week before the sitting.
Meals are booked and paid for directly with Fresh Start Catering.
Special Dietary Requirements
If your child has dietary requirements such as allergies or intolerances, please alert the school with the details. You will be asked to provide all this information when registering your account with Fresh Start and the necessary arrangements will be made to provide an alternative menu.
Packed lunches
Children are also welcome to bring packed lunches. All children eat together in the school hall.