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OFSTED and SIAMS Reports


In November 2016 we were thrilled to be recognised as an Outstanding Church School as part of the SIAMS inspection process, and we were equally delighted to take part in the official presentation.

SIAMS Report 2016 (use this link to read the report)

The report acknowledges:

  • ‘The school has a distinctive Christian character that results from the explicit Christian values that run through the practice, policy and very fabric of the school.’
  • ‘As a result the Christian ethos has a transformational impact on relationships, behaviour and attitudes. Pupils are confident, polite and have a mature attitude.’
  • ‘Spiritual, moral and cultural development is a strength of the school because of the obvious impact of the distinctiveness of the school.’
  • ‘This is reflected in the school motto ‘Challenging all to shine’ and is achieved by developing enquiring minds and talents that nurture each child as a unique individual. As a result each child makes good progress because they are valued, challenged and supported.’


Please find below the Ofsted report following our one day inspection on 10th July 2018. This report will be published on the Ofsted website on 5th September 2018. The governing body and I are extremely pleased with the report and feel it recognises and acknowledges many of the wonderful qualities of Finmere CE Primary School. We are thrilled with the overall judgement of GOOD and are especially pleased with so many positive comments which include:

  • 'Everyone at Finmere is valued and the school is inclusive and welcoming.’
  • ‘Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are beautifully behaved, helpful and polite.’
  • ‘The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education.’
  • ‘Pupils approach their learning with positive attitudes and they are confident to talk to visitors about their work.’
  • ‘There is a strong culture of Safeguarding.’

As you may know the criteria for achieving a Good grade has increased considerably over the past few years and once again, I would like to thank all staff for their incredible hard work and professionalism, thank our pupils for their hard work and excellent behaviour and thank you as parents and carers for all your support.

As a community we should be very proud of our school and we will continue to strive to provide the best education for our children, challenging each and every one to shine.

Ofsted Report July 2018 (use this link to read the report)