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Our Music Curriculum

The teaching of music at Finmere follows the statutory guidance of the National Curriculum. Details of our curriculum can be found on The Warriner Trust Website.

Music is a universal language. A high-quality music education engages and inspires pupils to develop a love of music. Music also has the potential to make a huge difference to children’s development. It can increase confidence, promote team working, improve concentration and enhance social cohesion within the school and wider community. 

Music lessons are fun and inspiring, engaging the children with songs, practical activities and movement. Our long-term planning overview links to National Curriculum objectives and ensures that the children experience a wide variety of musical genres and a steady progression of knowledge and skills. This will be through listening and responding to music, composition, performing and evaluating.

Further opportunities throughout school include: weekly  singing sessions and singing during collective worship times. The children also gain knowledge of the history and origins of music through our ‘around the world’ music journey during our whole school worship sessions. Children are also encouraged to learn to play a musical instrument through visiting peripatetic staff from the Oxfordshire County Music Service.  Christmas performances and topic based- celebrations also give the children a chance to demonstrate their musical abilities to audiences.