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Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club

Children can attend Breakfast Club from 8:00am. We offer a range of cereals, toast and jam and fruit for breakfast.

At 8:30 we go into our classrooms and meet the other children who are arriving.

After School Club

Children can attend After School Club from 3:05 until 5:00pm. We offer a snack of crackers, crudites, fruit, yogurt, and a biscuit.

Our aim is to be outside as much as we can. In the summer months we take part in 30 days of Wild with The Wildlife Trusts, we like to explore nature in our beautiful grounds, we practice lots of our sporting activities, we try to celebrate all events and make lots of crafty keepsakes!

Outdoor activities include:

Climbing frame apparatus, games equipment, planting bulbs/veg in our raised beds, den building.

Indoor activities include:

Board games, puzzles, arts and crafts, books

All sessions are booked and paid for through Arbor.