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Why Choose Us

Why choose Finmere Primary School and Preschool for your child?

Our class sizes are small and mixed aged.

Because our adult: pupil ratio is high, children receive a highly personalised learning experience. Research strongly supports the idea that mixed-age classrooms are better for pupils. Not only do pupils out-perform peers of the same age academically, but studies also show that they thrive socially.

Our pupils' academic achievement

Our pupil’s academic achievement is in line with county-wide and national performance data with a recent year 6 cohort exceeding national data for reading at greater depth. Recent destination schools for our pupils have included Magdalen College School Brackley, Royal Latin School Buckingham and Cooper School Bicester.

Our staff and environment

Our team is passionate, professional, and highly committed to providing the very best for our pupils. Because of our small school community, we are able to offer open and regular communication between parents/carers, pupils and staff. Mixed age classes mean children are encouraged to care for and support each other, a skill which they learn for life, and which helps to create a wonderfully positive environment for all.

Our community links.

We are proud to be a member of the Warriner Multi Academy Trust which we chose to become a member of in March 2020. Being part of the trust, enables us to retain our unique learning environment and at the same time offer wider learning opportunities to our pupils. We also have strong links within Finmere and the local church.

Finmere church - St Michael & All Angels